
AFD-GDN Biodiversity and Development Award [USD 40,000]


AFD-GDN Biodiversity and Development Award: Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for the AFD-GDN Biodiversity and Development Award for researchers in developing countries. The award aims to identify and support productive multidisciplinary engagements on biodiversity.

The AFD-GDN Biodiversity and Development Award program is a global competitive research program jointly launched by the Global development Network (GDN) and the French Development Agency (AFD).

Award Sponsor(s): AFD-GDN

Award Worth: up to USD 40,000

Subject Eligibility: Not specified

Country Eligibility: See Eligible countries (below)


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AFD-GDN Biodiversity and Development Award | DETAILS

The Award program recognises and encourage quality individual scientific endeavours within given disciplines, with competitive research grants accompanied by mentoring and tailored support. It also promote and incentivizes multidisciplinary collaborations among awardees working in different fields.

To be eligible for the AFD-GDN Biodiversity and Development Award:

  • The call is open to teams of researchers belonging to a university or any other research oriented organizations based in developing countries.
  • A maximum of 3 researchers, including the principal investigator, are allowed in each team.
  • Researchers can belong to different institutions, but the grant will be given to the institutions hosting the principal investigator.
  • The researchers, including the principal investigator, must be citizens and residents of an eligible country.

Apply for: Call for Nomination: Klaus J. Jacobs Research Prize Award

Eligible Countries

Sub-Saharan Africa

South Africa, Gabon, Nigeria Angola, Gambia, Uganda, Benin,  Ghana, Rwanda, Botswana, Guinea, Sao Tome and Principe, Burkina Faso, Equatorial Guinea, Senegal, Burundi, Guinea-Bissau, Seychelles, Cameroon, Kenya, Sierra Leone, Cape Verde, Liberia, Sudan, Central African Rep.,  Madagascar, Southern Sudan, Comoros, Malawi, Tanzania, Rep. Congo, Mali, Chad, Dem. Rep. Congo, Mauritius, Togo, Côte d’Ivoire, Mauritania, Zambia, Djibouti, Mozambique,  Zimbabwe, Eritrea, Namibia, Ethiopia, Niger.

Mediterranean basin and the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)

Algeria, Kosovo, Serbia, Albania, Lebanon, Syria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Libya, Palestinian areas, Egypt, Macedonia, Tunisia, Iraq, Morocco, Turkey, Jordan, Montenegro, Yemen.

Asia Pacific

Afghanistan, Kiribati, Solomon Islands, Armenia, Laos Samoa, Azerbaijan, Marshall Islands, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Federal states of Micronesia, Tokelau territory, Cambodia, Myanmar (Burma), Thailand, China, Nauru, East Timor, Cook Islands, Niue, Tonga, Fiji, Uzbekistan, Tuvalu, Georgia, Pakistan, Vanuatu, India, Papua, New Guinea, Vietnam, Indonesia, Palau, Kazakhstan, Philippines.

Latin America and Caribbean

Antigua-and-Barbuda, Dominica, Peru, Argentina, Ecuador, Saint Lucia, Bolivia, Grenada, St-Kitts and Nevis, Brazil, Guyana, St-Vincent and the Grenadines, Colombia, Haiti, Suriname, Cuba, Jamaica, Dominican Rep., Mexico.

Application Procedures

How-to-Apply: Interested applicants for the AFD-GDN Biodiversity and Development Award 2021/2022 must submit their application and required documents through the dedicated online platform.

Required Documents:

  • An expression of interests document.
  • CVs and publication list for the Principal Investigator and other team members.
  • A 2-page description of track record
  • A support letter from the institution of primary affiliation of the local researcher.

Application Deadline: 7th March 2021

Visit the Official Website for More Details

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