
ACTG Academic Scholarship 2021/22 for African Scientists


ACTG Academic Scholarship: African Center for Translational Genomics (ACTG), an initiative of 54gene, is pleased to announce the 2021 Academic Scholarship open to emerging genomics scientists.

The scholarship aims at enhancing Africa’s competitive advantage in the genomics research and development space, globally, by reaching and assisting young scientists as early as possible in their career.

Scholarship Sponsor(s): African Center for Translational Genomics

Scholarship Type: Partial Funding

Host Institution(s): African Center for Translational Genomics

Scholarship Worth: $4,000

Number of Awards: Several

Study Level: Postgraduate

Nationality: Africans


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ACTG Academic Scholarship 2021/2022 | DETAILS

The scholarship offer is competitive based on prevailing rates in both public and private universities in Africa. Up to $4,000 is available per scholar per year for up to 4 years. Scholarship awards may be applied towards tuition, housing, study related travels as well as other study related activities.

Eligibility Criteria

To be considered eligible for the ACTG Academic Scholarship, applicants are to meet the following requirements:

  • Open to African graduates with a passion for research and excellent academic results.
  • It is for students enrolled in full-time PhD programs and who are committed to the completion of their program within the three or four year period of their study as defined by their academic institutions.
  • Applicants must be admitted to study molecular genetics or genetic epidemiology or related fields.

Apply for: Mo Ibrahim Foundation GDAI PhD Scholarship 2022/23 for Africans to Study in London

Application Procedures

How-to-Apply: Interested applicants for the ACTG Academic Scholarship 2021/22 are to apply online while ensuring that they submit the required documents before the application deadline.

Required Documents:

  • Statement of interest from the applicant indicating academic qualifications, research interests, his/her suitability to work with the NCD-GHS and career goals (one paragraph for each criterion). Additional information on past research projects, on-campus or off-campus activities and accomplishments that would aid the Committee in reaching its decision can also be included (max. 2 pages).
  • CV of the applicant
  • Research proposal summary in either genetic epidemiology or molecular genetics of any of the NCDs highlighted above (max. 4 pages).
  • Letter of support from the department chair or faculty supervisor of the applicant stating the student’s academic qualifications and accomplishments, career goals, and reasons for selecting the candidate (max. 2 pages).

Application Deadline:  Closed!

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