Berkeley Undergraduate Prize for Professionals (25,000 USD): Applications are invited from qualified candidates for the 2022 Berkeley Undergraduate Prize for Design Excellence at the University of California, Berkeley to promote the study of Architecture. The prize will be in the form of an essay prize competition.
The contest is open to current full-time registered students in an undergraduate Architecture degree program at any recognized university or institution of higher learning majoring in Architecture or Diploma students in accredited schools of Architecture World-wide.
Program Sponsor(s): Berkeley Prize
Program to be taken at: Globally
Number of Awards: Not specified
Program Level: Undergraduate
Nationality: Students from all countries.
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Eligibility Criteria
To be considered for the 2022 Berkeley Undergraduate Prize for Professionals, applicants must see that they meet the following criteria:
- Applicants must be full-time undergraduate students studying Architecture in a recognized institution of higher learning.
- Applicants must demonstrate strong academic and leadership abilities.
- All proposals must be submitted by a two-member team.
- Essays must be submitted in English
- Both finalists will be required to provide proof of current registration in the form of copies of actual school transcripts.
See Also: UN Scholarships and Research Grants for International Students [Fully-Funded]
Application Procedures
How-to-Apply: Applicants are to submit a 500-word essay proposal in English to the Prize Committee (See how to enter the competition). Qualified applicants may also team up with undergraduates from allied arts and social sciences programs and submit proposals in teams of two.
Application Deadline: Not Specified
4 thoughts on “2022 Berkeley Undergraduate Prize for Professionals (25,000 USD)”
I have a diploma in Architecture and I have been greatly affected by the war in my country South Sudan. How will you help me get this scholarship?
Hi Oryem, all information you need to apply for this scholarship is provided in the write-up. if you have specific personal enquiries you can reach out to us or contact the scholarship awardee directly
when is the new application is starting ?
Starts September 15 and already ongoing