
August 15, 2020

University of Michigan African Presidential Scholars Program

2021/22 University of Michigan African Presidential Scholars Program: The University of Michigan hereby announces the

Vienna University of Technology 2020

Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien) Helmut Veith Stipend: All eligible and committed International masters’

UNICEF Graduate and Non-graduate Jobs, Internships: United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) is currently

Concordia Entrance scholarships at Concordia 2020

Concordia Entrance scholarships at Concordia University, Canada: Applications are currently welcomed from academically qualified and

Applying for A Study Loan in Germany

Applying for A Study Loan in Germany: Masters And Ph.D: As an ideal destination for

IBRAF Fellowship Program for Young Professionals

IBRAF Fellowship Program for Young Professionals 2021: Applications are welcomed from qualified candidates to apply

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